Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Frugal Turkey Leftovers

By this point you’ve probably realized your jeans are a bit tighter, you can’t stand the smell of cranberry sauce and you’ll scream if you have to eat more leftover stuffing.
This can only mean one thing: the aftermath of Thanksgiving.
My husband and I spent the weekend with my parents, which meant this year I didn’t have to worry about turkey leftovers.
From past experience I’ve concluded there are three ways to use the remains.
1. Freeze the meat and bones and use in soup.
2. Make a turkey salad
3. Bake a turkey casserole.
All three are smart choices. I offer two recipes on Momentous Occasions for – one for my turkey salad and another for an unusual casserole.
Enjoy the short break from feasting and remember Chanukah and Christmas are in three weeks.

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